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Decaf Mexico - 12 oz.

Decaf Mexico - 12 oz.

Regular price $ 19.75
Regular price Sale price $ 19.75
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This coffee was grown by smallholder farmers in the Sierra Mountains of Mexico. And as with all of our decafs, it was decaffeinated using the chemical-free Swiss Water Process

In the cup, you'll find notes of dark chocolate, creamy nuttiness (think almond butter), the sweetness of marshmallows, and low acidity, It's delicious black or paired with milk and we also love it as an espresso. A perfectly balanced cup, however you brew it!

A little more about Swiss Water Process: 

The SWP process works through diffusion, not osmosis. Initially, green coffee beans are soaked in water until all the caffeine and flavor compounds were extracted. The beans are then discarded, and the solution they created is run through a carbon filter that removes the caffeine, leaving behind only the flavor compounds—what SWP calls its "green coffee extract" (GCE). 

When SWP decaffeinates a coffee, the beans are soaked with a small amount of the GCE, which creates a saturated solution in which the caffeine leaves but the coffee’s flavor compounds remain in place, unaffected. The GCE is like a yeast “mother.” While initially SWP has to sacrifice some coffee to create it, once the first batch is made, it just needs to maintain the health of the GCE and keep it slowly regenerating, which it does by adding small amounts of clean water.

Once the caffeine is extracted from the beans, they’re dried to 10.2 percent moisture and ready to be roasted.

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